H-Wave Leaders Honored to Walk in Veteran’s Day Parade, New York

As a veteran-owned business, we are honored to be able to serve this county’s heroes by providing a drug-free treatment option that delivers significant pain relief without harmful side effects and improves range of motion and functional restoration.

However, on November 11th we were honored even more to have some of our company’s leaders be able to walk with UCLA Health’s Operation Mend at the Veteran’s Day Parade in New York.  It was a humbling moment to be able to walk in the parade with Operation Mend, whose efforts provide “advanced surgical and medical treatment for post-9/11-era warriors injured during combat” including “comprehensive psychological healthcare and social support for both wounded warriors and their family members.”  

H-Wave is proud to partner with Operation Mend to help support their efforts in “healing the wounds of war” and look forward to how we can continue to support our veteran community in the future. 

Click below to see videos of how H-Wave has helped some of our county’s veterans get out of pain and get back to doing the things they love:

Carlos discusses how H-Wave helped eliminate pain medications & live pain free

Kathy loves the portability of H-Wave as she can take it anywhere!

John explains how H-Wave helped him increase mobility and eliminate pain medications