Improve Circulation to Relieve Pain

Most people are aware of specific triggers that make their chronic pain worse, such as eating inflammatory foods, sleeping wrong, or aggravating an old injury. Did you also know that poor circulation could also be causing your pain? This is especially true if you suffer from vascular pain, which occurs when the blood flow to your tissues, organs, and muscles becomes interrupted, but restricted blood flow can also be a contributing factor for many other painful conditions.

In many cases, circulatory problems stem from blood constrictions or spasms, coronary artery disease, vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels), ischemia, or trauma injuries. According to one study, decreased blood flow in patients with fibromyalgia due to muscle ischemia contributed to their pain. Learn first how to improve circulation, a.k.a. your blood flow, then that can be an easy and painless way to help reduce chronic pain.

How does limited blood flow cause pain?

The answer has to do with how blood functions in the body. Consider that your circulatory system is the pathway for oxygen and nutrients to reach the rest of your body. When blood flow is limited, inflammatory mediators and waste byproducts that cause pain are left to accumulate in specific areas of your body. When you don’t clean these areas out, so to speak, it can make your pain feel worse over time; which is why it’s so important to focus on how to improve circulation in order to reduce pain.

When you have a healthy amount of blood circulating through your veins, it helps bring healing nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants to the areas that hurt while also removing the substances that are contributing to pain, such as fluids, chemical irritants, and metabolites.

Increased blood flow also opens up connective tissues and allows blood flow to access parts of your body that hurt and need repair.

H-Wave promotes blood flow

H-Wave uses unique technology to help promote blood flow. The result is better circulation in the body, nourished and oxygenated cells, and healthier tissues; all of which can help to reduce pain. Unlike other electronic stimulation devices, H-Wave increases blood flow by creating non-fatiguing muscle contractions which open blood vessels wider (vasodilation) so that more blood and nutrients can get to the areas of the body that need it. Essentially, it’s helping your body do what it naturally does through movement – bring in nutrients to the tissues and flush the area of toxins and other fluid pressures that can cause pain. Research shows that using H-Wave can increase blood flow through the body by 247% in the lower half of the body, which is especially beneficial if you have lower leg pain, hip, knee or general leg pain.

For more information on how to improve circulation in order to reduce pain by utilizing the H-Wave device, click here.

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