How To Reduce Stress At Work

Stress Management: Simple Hacks You Can Use To Relieve Workplace Stress

If you have a job, you’ve encountered workplace stress. Impending deadlines, a heavy workload, projects piling up; it can take its toll. Workplace stress is nothing to brush off, however, as many of us find it difficult to leave the worry at the office.  Over time, work-related stress may have long-term effects on your mind as well as your body.

Sleep disturbances, joint and muscle aches, even anxiety and depression may set in when stress isn’t managed properly. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to take care of yourself:

Take a Moment to Stretch

Exercise is a great stress reducer. When you’re stuck in an office all day, fitting in a workout may seem impossible. However, the growing trend towards workplace exercise is making it easier than ever to melt away stress and keep your mind and body limber.

Simple workplace exercises may include:

Office Yoga:

Simple stretching and relaxation techniques that may be done while sitting or standing at your desk. It emphasizes the back, neck, and shoulders; all areas that are affected by sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time.


A sedentary lifestyle contributes to stress, and sitting in a cubicle contributes to that. Take short breaks and walk around the office, hallways, or stairwell. It will stretch your legs, clear your mind, and help your focus.

Desk Squats:

Stand up with your feet and knees together while raising your arms straight up or outstretched in front of you. Keeping your legs together, bend slightly and hold for a count of 10-15 seconds. Repeat.

Practice Effective Time Management

One of the main causes of stress in the workplace is having too much on your plate and seemingly not enough time to complete it all. Many people do not effectively manage their time at work.  Learning to do so can help relieve stress while making you more productive.  Simple practices to put into effect include:

  • Identify which projects need to be tackled first and prioritize them
  • Determine the best order in which to complete each project.
  • Schedule the necessary steps (using a planner, sticky notes, etc)
  • Check off each step as it’s completed

Time management practices such as Time Boxing or the Pomodoro Technique may help you to compartmentalize and accomplish projects in an efficient way. Find a method that works for you.

Your Health is Important

Diet and sleep habits are likewise important for stress management.  A healthy mind and body can go a long way towards reducing or coping with workplace stress. If you find yourself overwhelmed, you can always speak with your supervisor or manager, but above all, take any steps you can to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle.