To continue helping those suffering at home, H-Wave is providing direct-to-patient delivery and one-on-one virtual instruction.

Category: Health & Wellness Tips

4 Stretches To Ease Lower Back Pain

August 30, 2017

“My back is killing me.”  These five words are said by co-workers, family, friends, almost every person we regularly come in contact with will say them sooner or later.  In […]

How Chronic Stress Affects Your Body’s Ability To Heal

June 12, 2017

Work. Money. Relationships. Drip, drip, drip. That’s what the constant onslaught of daily stressors in your life might feel like. While short-lived stress is manageable, chronic stress over a long […]

Understanding the Physiological Stages of Healing Process – What’s really going on beneath the surface?

May 4, 2017

The process of recovery from traumatic physical injury depends on a number of factors, including injury type, severity, and location. Physical trauma disrupts the balance of normal cellular function and […]

How To Reduce Inflammation By Making Simple Changes To Your Diet

April 17, 2017

5 Food Groups To Combat Inflammation Inflammation is a condition we usually associate with pain and discomfort, but research also shows it is the root cause of many diseases. The […]

How To Reduce Stress At Work

March 11, 2017

Stress Management: Simple Hacks You Can Use To Relieve Workplace Stress If you have a job, you’ve encountered workplace stress. Impending deadlines, a heavy workload, projects piling up; it can […]

How To Use Yoga For Effective Lower Back Pain Relief

February 5, 2017

Top Two Yoga Poses To Relieve Lower Back Pain Yoga. It’s one of the greatest gifts India has given to mankind. The practice enhances our lives in so many ways. […]